Friday, November 20, 2009

A Rough 5 Days

This was a tough week. It ended with 7x1 Deadlift. I wasn't excited about this, but it was probably the best thing that could have come up. Our warm up was some body weight stuff (strict pullups, GHD, Back Ext , etc), after max set of wallballs to stick it to Mike and I for yesterday.

My deadlift warm up left me feeling weak, as the bar was just not coming off the ground nearly as easy as it should have. I decided to go with 7 even loads at 90% of my 1RM. 385 x7. this was much harder than it should have been. I have done 400x5 before, but this cycle has beaten me up.

Then, the finisher...
This was a training session for EVA
row 2k meters
100 KB swings at 2 pood
run 800m

My 2k time was a little slow at 7:22 (I have gotten sub 7 before) and 100 swings are really hard. That took me nearly 10 minutes. Then a 4 minute 800m. I think I could get this in 18 minutes if I was fresh, but on day 5, and after my hips were already toast, I was just happy to get the fastest time in my class. The next 2 days off (one with hockey) will be much appreciated. I won't pick up anything heavy and I'll try not to do any squatting below parallel.

1 comment:

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