Sunday, February 7, 2010

Gotta Run

Saturday was a tough day. We did the main site workout from earlier in the week, then a 5k
5 rds
5 thrusters at 155lbs
5 muscleups
400m run
17:40 (thought this was a good time until i saw peter's time in the 12 min range and 2 others sub 16 in our gym.

35 minutes after the start of the first Wod...
5k run
that is about 1:30 off PR for me, ut my back is still tight from the DL 3 days ago. I realized I need to work on running more, as my times aren't getting better.

No hockey on super bowl sunday, so why not...
10K run
not a PR by about 42 seconds, but I felt good considering I ran over 4 miles yesterday and I am still getting used to pacing. I ended up on a road with construction, so my early pace was slightly affected. I averaged a 7:53 mile, but i need to do 7:33 if I want to break 47 minutes. That is a ways off, but still doable in the near future. I am going to try to do a 10k 1x/month and 2 5ks/month until I get a bit faster. Maybe that will help me on the 400 and 800 runs during a wod. In either case, I have to do more running if I want to get faster.

1 comment:

Wooden's said...

I would say go the other way and work on sprints. 200s, 400s and 800s to improve your 400times.