Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Another Sectional WoD

This time it was
4 rds
row 750 m
30 double unders
15 burpees.
I am pretty happy with this time. I stayed below 1:45 splits on the first 2 rows, under 1:50 on the third and under 1:55 on the final row. I should have been 1:45 on all, but I am only human. The double unders were relatively easy and unbroken. The burpees were just mental. Keep moving, and try to go faster. I watched another guy finish with crazy fast burpees on round 4. I am much better about not breaking up sets of burpees, but I need to move faster and get them over sooner.

Then 80 GHDs and 80 back ext. Not for time, just for torture.

1 comment:

Wooden's said...

I wish I had a rower, so much more I could do if I had one. I need to join you some time at Fury during a rowing WOD