Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I'm Back

Took a week off secondary to a nasty back strain that lasted in total of 3weeks. My back feels much better and I am able to at least move and do some body weight stuff.

Monday 03-01-2010
AMRAP in 10min
Heavy DU (20# vest)--385
Why you may ask? Why not? Just saw the vest laying there and said why not. Interesting to note though alot of the sectionals for the games are using 20# vests in their WODs

2x400M run
I wanted to do 4 but my back was feeleing tight and I decided to not aggrevate it much more.

Tuesday 03-02-2010
Box Jumps 24''
Harder than you think

Wednesday 03-03-2010
Split Jerk 1/1/1/1/1/1/1
Yea I know it is 8 sets instead of 7, but once you get 195 overhead you just gotta try for 200!!

I think I can get 225

1 comment:

Scoobyloves2004 said...

Wow is right Jason!!! Impressive!