Thursday, March 25, 2010

A Little Time Off.. good for the body. (I guess) this is not by choice but by my back telling me to calm down alittle. About a month ago I had tweaked by back during deadlifts and it has been bothering me since then. Now, I have not been to good at letting it relax which is why it has been a month. It is to the point where I can move fine and carryout my normal day but pick up some weight forget about it. I went to the M.D. today and she said it was probably musculatre and nothing neurological or boney as I have none of those symptoms. My back just feels tight like the muscle cannot relax. Needless to say she wrote me a prescription for Ibuprofen and a muscle relaxer. I do not like to take pills but I may just buck it up this time and get this problem taken care of. I really want to lift. I am fine with bodyweight stuff, but I want to start snatching and cleaning. My form will be re-worked for the deadlift and I will always be conscious of it from here on out. I just finished with some x-rays to make sure nothing boney is wrong and will get the results next week. Until then I guess I just enjoy the time off and recoup, play with eht paleo diet and STRETCH. Any suggestions on what I should do with my time just drop them in the comments section

1 comment:

MacDaddy said...

Maybe some work on static hold skills to work on core stability: l sits, planche, levers, etc.