Monday, March 1, 2010


After our CF kids class on Saturday, I did a 10 min AMRAP of 185 lbs squat clean and split jerk. I got 22 rounds and felt a bit better with the jerk. The clean was the easy part. I probably could have squeezed in another rep or so, but I didn't want form to fall apart too fast.

Then we went into town for a trail run. I intended to do the 3.8 mile circumference trail at Squaw Peak. I took a wrong turn and ended up going a total of 6.8 miles in 1:23. It was a great workout, but I was toast when done. Somewhere in there, C+J or the run (maybe sleeping on it funny) I developed a major knot in my L levator scapulae muscle. I was unable to wash my hair with my left hand Sunday morning and I had to skip hockey and the Monday morning WoD with pain and limited range. I have been aggresively stretching and applying heat, but it still hurts and is knotted up pretty tight.

Hopefully I can do a WoD tomorror am.

1 comment:

Wooden's said...

Sucks not being able to do anything!!! It has been three weeks since I tweaked my back and it is just starting to feel better. I am starting with running and bodyweight stuff today to see how it feels but I really want to get back to lifting heavy stuff. It is very frustrating to say the least.