Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Health and Longevity

New habit to get into...Keep this blog up to date.
I am coming to realize that to keep me going and healthy I need to listen to my body and tonight was one of those nights. The WOD
25KBS 2pood

I went through 2 rounds and stopped. This is only the 2nd WOD that I have stopped on and tonight was not because I could not do it but to save my back. If you can remember I have tweaked my back 3times and I do not want to do it again. I have a home made GHD machine, it moves and is not sturdy. So high rep, high velocity are a no go. So I was taking my time when the right side of the box shifted forward without the left and put me into a sideways GHD. I felt it in my back in the same place as before. I straightened it out and finished the reps and into the KBS when I started to realize 2 more rounds of this would not be good. I decided to stop after 2 rounds with a time of 1554. Am I upset or frustrated that I stopped? Not in the least. I want to walk normal tomorrow and I definitely want to kill "Filthy Fifty" on Friday. I am realizing that my body cannot do what I could 5-6 years ago and I am making some good gains with a Snatch PR of 160# and a Clean and Jerk of 200# I feel I am getting smarter with listening to my body. Now I do not intend to make a habit out of this. 2 out of the many I have done in the last 2years I think is good.

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