Sunday, June 28, 2009

My Back is Sore

Thursday Tommy came over in the A.M. and we did handstand Helen. I need to be more consistent with my runs, however, all in all it was a good WOD.

On Friday I got together with Josh for some deadlifts and an affiliate WOD. I was able to achieve a 5rep max deadlift @ 250#. I am feeling great about my deadlifts, I just need to feel that way about my back and front squats. Maybe I will scale back the weight and work on slow correct form and work my way up from there.

Here is my 5rep deadlift at 245#, the 250# video is all blurry for some reason. As I look at it I notice my hips are closed at the top. I think I am afraid to hyper-extend and hurt my back. I will work on it for sure.

The WOD after was snatches, C&J, thrusters and C2B pullups. I scaled the snatches to 95# and the C&J and thrusters to 115#. Needless to say my back is sore as well as my posterior shoulders. Good WOD just need to not be afraid of steel plates over my head.

1 comment:

Boyd said...

Dude... you're working out at Globo Gym, where everyone's pretty?