Saturday, August 8, 2009


It has been about Si weeks since my run-in with Linda (aka three bars of death). I vowed to revisit it and try again. I wanted to kill it with a goal of sub 35 minutes. This would be a big improvement over my 40:16 last time. With my BW at 200 I did 300lb DL, 200lb bench and 150 clean. Here are the splits:
10 - 2:23
9 - 4:07
8 - 5:32
7 - 5:41
6 - 5:11
5 - 4:50
4 - 3:47
3 - 2:08
2 - 1:51
1 - 0:55
Total = 36:30
I know I can do even better with less breathing between clean sets and less breaks. I realized I was waiting to catch my breath. I know better, but the WoD tricked me into thinking I had to catch my breath before lifting. Damn Linda. The rounds of 8,7,6 and maybe 5 had to be broke too much on deadlifts and cleans. I should have strung together more reps, and not worried about pacing myself. Regardless, It was a 10% improvement in 6 weeks. I have to be happy with that.

Some side notes:
1 - I got my chalk and I loved it. Just a little kept all sweat off my hands
2 - Some moron, who also crossfits, was very impressed with my wod and kept trying to talk to me about it in the middle of me gasping and lifting. If you know crossfit... WHY TALK MID WOD!!!
3 - Also got my new jump rope. Very cool but hurts like a $#@*! when you miss. Looks like I was lashed on my forearms. Gonna have to miss less.

Tomorrow is definitely a rest day.

1 comment:

Wooden's said...

1) I need to get some chalk
2) That is hilarious, especially since he knows about Crossfit and how the WODs are for time.
3)Stop missing!!!